We narrowed it down to two good buddies, then one of them got back with his girlfriend ... and so that guy (nice as he is) dropped off my list. When the husband asked why he was no longer on my list I replied that anyone who is in the Make-Up-Sex-Stage is not welcome in my home unsupervised.
I think I might need to Clorox the house just thinking about it.
This led to a train of thought in my husband that was decidedly male. We need sex stages in our life.
Huh? I asked.
We don't argue, so we need something else. We need replacements for Make Up Sex.
So when faced with the option of mattress mambo or sleep ... yes, I admit that no matter how fabulously attractive I find my husband, no matter how gloriously toe curling he can make me feel ... there are times where the sleep is just a bit more appealing.
But the humorist and sarcastic twerp in me was intrigued at the idea of making up names for Make Up Sex replacements. What does the responsible, monogamous, non-arguing couple have? Here are some of my husband approved ideas.
"We are too broke for anything else" sex.
"It is Tuesday" sex
"Everything good on TV is already DVR'd" sex
"We had Mac N Cheese for dinner" sex
"He thinks stomaching through an episode from my The Tudors DVDs is four play" sex
His ideas were far simpler.
"Its day time" sex
"Why not?" sex
I think he got stuck there because in his mind the last one covered every possibility imaginable.
Coming up with funny names/reasons really isn't what I need -- a vacation and 20 fewer pounds is what I need. Its reassuring to see that despite all my insecurities my husband apparently needs not reason, just enough oxygen.
So, am I the only one in this boat of seeing sleep as sometimes slightly more valuable overall?
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